ArcDox, Ireland’s leading BIM consultancy practice celebrate their 8th year in business this month (March 2017). caught up with their managing partner, Ralph Montague, to talk about their journey so far and wish them a Happy Birthday!
Ralph Montague & Pat Slattery, Managing Partners, ArcDox
As many companies in Ireland are only now starting their BIM journey, we asked what made him set up a business that specialises in BIM 8 years ago. Ralph said, “My business partner, Pat Slattery, and I, are from an architectural background. We were associates working for one of the largest commercial architectural practices in Dublin at the time. We had begun to use BIM in our own projects, for the more efficient production of information (or lonely BIM, as they call it). Our research showed that BIM was going to be the future of construction – it was the disruptive “digitisation” of the construction industry that has impacted so many other industries. We recognised that people were going to need help with this.”
Irish building magazine and wish ArcDox a Happy Birthday and all the best for the future!
You can read our full interview with Ralph in the forthcoming Issue of Irish building magazine which is out in late March.
Follow Ralph, Pat and ArcDox on Twitter: @ralph_arcdox @pat_arcdox @Arcdox
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