The 1st breakfast meeting of the CitA Smarter Cooperative Building Series took place on February 15th. The theme was ‘A Public Sector BIM Adoption Strategy Update’.
The meeting was held at the Royal College of Physicians on Dublin’s Kildare Street. The meeting had a large attendance of over 140 delegates, with great presentations and an interactive Q&A session.
The full programme, speakers and presentations:
Times | Speaker | Position/Title | Presentation Title | |
08.00 – 08.05 | David Browne | RKD Architects: Director and Chairman of CIC | CIC Update | |
08.05 – 08.15 | David O’Connell | Event Chair: Director McCauley Daye O’Connell | Update on CIC BIM Working Group | |
08.15 – 08.25 | David O’Brien | Construction Advisor, Procurement Policy Unit OGP | Public Sector BIM Adoption Strategy Update | |
08.25 – 08.40 | Ger Casey | GDA: CEO | Future development within Grangegorman | |
08.40 – 08.50 | Pat O’Sullivan | GDA: Senior Architect Project Co-ordinator | Greenway Hub: Novice client wanting to experience a BIM project | |
08.50 – 09.05 | Michael Murphy | BAM: VDC Operations Manager | Construction team working without defined requirements | |
09.05 -09.15 | Paul McDunphy | DIT Estates: Estates Officer | Handover/ FM: Issues that arise because the FM Team wasn’t engaged | |
09.15 – 09.30 | Robert Moore | GDA: BIM Information Manager | BIM in the GDA: GDA BIM plan for level 2 BIM | |
09.30 – 10.10 | Workshop Q & A | Round Table Workshop Discussion | ||
10.10 – 10.25 | Barry McAuley | CitA: BICP Postdoctoral Researcher | BICP Update | |
10.25 – 10.30 | David O’Connell | Event Chair: Director McAuley Daye O’Connell | Closing Address | |
Chair David O’Connell used the opportunity to update delegates on progress made/plans in respect to the Construction Industry Council (CIC) BIM Working Group. David gave a brief introduction to the CIC’s work, and said BIM is changing construction and reducing waste. He spoke about the inefficiency of the industry as well as the UK BIM mandate and the RIBA Plan of Work. He told attendees about the work of the RIAI and CIC.
Michael Murphy, BAM, Alan Hore, CitA, David O’Connell, MDO Architects & Robert Moore, GDA.
David O’Brien was the next speaker. He spoke about the BIM Public Sector Strategy and the enthusiasm for BIM in the Irish public sector. Saying, if BIM was around in 2007 adoption of the Public Works Contracts would have been smoother. David talked about the work of the National BIM Council and the challenges ahead. A proposal is being prepared to take to Government, and according to David a statement of intent will be published in the next month.
Ger Casey of the Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) spoke of the Grangegorman project and what was learned from using BIM on the Greenway Hub and BIM in procurement. He said BIM was a key change. Pat O’Sullivan, GDA, gave attendees an introduction to the 4,250m2 Greenway Hub building, and said BIM was not part of the GDA’s plans until 2011 but was adopted due to its benefits. His presentation covered setting up BIM protocols and processes in procurement. He spoke of BAM’s work and handing over the BIM model. BAM’s Michael Murphy spoke of how enthusiastic the BAM team were to use BIM on the Greenway Hub, and said the project was like an internship. This presentation showed how the BAM team approach tendering for a project and how impressive their BIM work is in Ireland. Robert Moore talked about BIM for FM and what the client wants: value and quality – ‘right first time’. He spoke about his role and how the GDA want BIM for Quality Assurance and Quality Control – a good flow of information, wanting and a seamless handover.
The Q&A session was interactive, and covered many topics: tendering; BIM procurement; fulfilling client requirements; level of detail and level of information requirements; EIRs; value and cost in contracts; the end user using BIM data; helping SMEs on the Irish BIM roadmap.
BICP Researcher Dr Barry McAuley presented the BICP findings. He explained where we are with BIM adoption, and BIM adoption around the world: the UK, Germany, Spain, and Chile. Barry briefly spoke about the great BICP case studies we have: National Children’s Hospital, and Grangegorman Campus. He described the work being done on the BICP, including consultations and workshops with industry and academia, our education and training capacity, and BICP Public Sector Consultations. Barry outlined the BICP Working Groups and invited interested parties to get involved. The work of Dr Barry McAuley, Dr Alan Hore and Professor Roger West is impressive. He finished his talk to applause.
We will have a full report on the meeting in next month’s issue of Irish building magazine.
The next meeting is on March 22nd. will keep you updated on details as they become available.
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