Help support Murphy Surveys ‘Cycle for Crumlin’


Join Murphy Surveys in conjunction with Kilcullen Cycling Club to support Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin.

On Saturday 25th July, cyclists from Murphy Surveys will be joined by friends from Kilcullen Cycling Club to cycle a 50 km Kildare-Wicklow route.

Murphy Surveys want cyclists of all levels to join with them on the day.

Murphy Surveys is a family-run business. The care provided by Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin has touched the lives of the family and some members of staff, and in light of this the company is holding a charity cycle for the hospital charity The Children’s Medical and Research Foundation (CMRF).

Donations and support make a difference to lives of patients, parents and hospital staff every day. From big renovation projects or builds to a small gift to a child on their birthday or even a visit from Santa at Christmas you can help to make a difference to everyone in Crumlin hospital. You can read more on the projects they are currently funding by visiting

Register online at

Registration 9:30am
Start 10am
Finish 1pm

Join Murphy Surveys at its Head Office in Kilcullen for food and refreshments after the event from 1-3pm.

There are fantastic prizes to be raffled for those who have participated including dinner vouchers, theatre tickets, hotel stay, gym memberships, and more.

Registration fee of €20 will be donated to the Charity.

Raise over €100 through sponsorship & receive a CMRF Cycle jersey.
(Must be confirmed by the 17th July)

Contact Caitriona on for sponsorship cards or register for online sponsorship at

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