Jamie Heaslip raises the roof at the launch of the Tegral Academy


One of Kildare’s famous sons, Ireland and Leinster rugby star, Jamie Heaslip returned home today to help Tegral, a market leader in roofing, launch the Tegral Academy, Ireland’s first-ever training facility for roofing contractors that aims to improve the quality of standards and workmanship in Irish roofing.

Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD, officiated at the launch event and praised the Kildare company for investing in innovation and training that will help ‘raise the roof’ of standards and skills in Irish roofing.

Representing an investment of over €250,000, the Tegral Academy features custom-made roof training rigs designed to up-skill roofing contractors through practical technique-based demonstrations and expert briefings on roofing regulations and complex new environmental Codes of Practice designed to introduce more sustainable roofing.

Tegral is one of the largest employers in Kildare, currently employing 136 people at its Athy manufacturing base.

For more info log onto www.tegralroofingacademy.com or visit www.tegral.com Pic: Marc O’Sullivan

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