The Passive House Standard enables every building owner to benefit from the energy revolution, with Certified Passive House Components ensuring cost-effectiveness. This basic concept will be the focus of the 2015 International Passive House Conference, held from 17 to 18 April 2015 in Leipzig.
Over a hundred speakers from all over the world will present exemplary projects and solutions for building and ventilation systems and windows within the context of new builds and retrofits. An exhibition will provide specific examples of products currently available on the market. The conference programme is now online, the registration (with early bird fees!) now open.
“Passive House Components allow building owners to save hard cash”, says Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute. “The certificate provides planners and architects with a high reliability that the calculated energy efficiency of a building will be achieved in practice.” Besides the economic viability of the Passive House Standard, the focal points of the event will include challenges of specific building uses and of different climatic circumstances. The conference takes place under the auspices of Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy.
[rev_slider Surety]Over a third of total energy consumption in industrialised countries is attributable to buildings and to heating in particular. Up to 90 percent of this energy can be saved in a Passive House. The remaining energy demand can easily be covered by renewables. The Passive House Standard is therefore an ideal basis for the Nearly Zero-Energy Building, requested in the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which comes into effect as of 2021.
Since 1997, the International Passive House Conference has been held annually by the Passive House Institute in different locations. The city of Leipzig, the Saxony Chamber of Architects and the University of Innsbruck are co-organisers of the 2015 conference. Some of the lectures are embedded into the EU-funded projects EuroPHit (step-by-step retrofits) and PassREg (Passive House regions with renewable energies). The conference is complemented by a number of workshops and excursions.
Programme flyer of the 19th Internatuional Passive House Conference in Leipzig