Brite:Bill to create 100 new jobs in major recruitment drive


Brite:Bill, the Dublin based billing communications platform provider today announced the creation of 100 new jobs as part of a major recruitment drive.

The new posts come on foot of recent major multi million dollar contract wins in North America and will be based in its HQ in Dublin and in its North American offices.  The company is looking to hire a mix of specialised talent across all areas of the business with an immediate requirement for software developers, system architects and project managers. The 100 new recruits will be hired over the next two years with half coming on board in 2015.

At the announcement of the new positions Jobs Minister Richard Bruton said:

Today’s announcement by Brite:Bill is great news for Dublin and for Ireland.  At the heart of our jobs plan is developing a powerful engine of Irish enterprise, and Brite:Bill is a great example of the type of company we are trying to support through our growing programme of overseas activities. Today’s announcement that it is creating extra jobs off the back of impressive contract wins in overseas markets is a huge boost, and is testament to the leadership and entrepreneurial endeavour of its management team.

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