SEAI offers free entry to upcoming Energy Show for Engineers


Engineers Ireland members can register now for free entry to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s (SEAI’s) Energy Show, which is set to take place on 12 and 13 March in Dublin’s RDS.

The Energy Show will feature over 150 exhibitors, an expert seminar programme – including Engineers Ireland CPD-accredited events – and an international markets networking area to keep attendees up to speed with the latest energy-saving solutions.

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Other highlights include a retrofit best-practice demonstration area, a ‘smart tech’ demonstration area and lots of free workshops.

To book your seminar place – where experts will cover the best technologies for managing energy in buildings, the systems and analytic tools that assist this and innovative energy solutions through heat recovery – visit (limited places available).

  • For instance, if your business uses a lot of energy for refrigeration, water heating or other processes or services, you could be missing out on free energy. Find out more at the seminar entitled ‘Free Energy through Innovative Heat-Recovery Practices’ (12 March at 4:15pm). Hear, for example, how Dawn Meats installed a 1km district heating pipe and is now saving €350,000 per year. Representatives from CWS-BOCO and CG Global will outline how they made savings in the areas of waste water and air-to-air heat recovery, respectively, at this CPD-accredited event.
  • An ideal energy measurement system includes a data acquisition module, a processing module, and a visual module. Often the systems are too complex to use, however, providing too much data to be fully effective. Find out how to make the most of your energy analytics and learn how to integrate energy monitoring and targeting within your business operations at the CPD-accredited event ‘Energy Analytics and the Tools Available to Support it’ (12 March at 2:15pm). Hear from companies who are learning from the energy data they capture such as ICONICS, MSD Ballydine and Astellas.

The SEAI will also be showcasing some innovative products of the future which are still in the development stages at the Energy Show. Meet the brains behind these inventions who will give you a deeper insight into future energy products and services.

Register for FREE entry to the Energy Show at

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