A Belfast planning firm has submitted or secured five planning applications worth more than £90 million in recent weeks. Turley Associates said that planning permission has been secured for work on a new radiotherapy unit at Altnagelvin Area Hospital and a residential development for Clanmil Housing Association in Dungannon.
Planning applications were submitted for a significant energy proposal consisting of 21 wind turbines on behalf of Windyfields, a new restaurant development within Titanic Quarter on behalf of Titanic Belfast Ltd, and a major mixed-use regeneration project for Ballymena.
The planned new wind farm for Limavady could inject £20m into the economy and create hundreds of jobs, according to the project’s backers. ARC NI 1 Ltd, part of the Windyfields Group, has submitted an application for 21 wind turbines of 3.3 MW output each on Windy Hill Road near Limavady, its second planned wind farm. The Turley team has acted as planners and masterplanners for Titanic Quarter Ltd since its inception and initially prepared the development framework for the entire site. The company helped obtain planning approval for around 30 developments within the first three phases of the innovative development. Source: Belfast Telegraph |