Achieving Part L of the Current Building Regulations with Renewable Technologies – Free Morning Seminar Tralee


On Wednesday the 17th of July, at the Headford arms Hotel, Kells,  Midland Renewables Ltd, hosted the first in a series of Breakfast information Mornings titled Achieving Part L of the Current Building Regulations with Renewable Technologies, this was attended by local architects, engineers and construction professionals.  


Presentations on complimentary renewable technology solutions, Geothermal and Air source heat pumps, Smart rads, Solid fuel stoves, Solar and Heat recovery ventilation, were delivered by representatives from Dimplex Renewables, Pleion Solar and Enervent ventilation systems.

The underlying theme of the presentation was how to combine complementary renewable technologies to achieve the highest possible energy rating for the building, resulting in the lowest  energy costs  for owner or occupier.

The next Breakfast Information Morning will be held in Tralee, Co Kerry towards the end of September, details to follow. To register your interest plesae email:


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