BIMcert’s innovative training platform for the construction industry is now live offering temporary free training.
The platform is an online training portal enabling all construction workers to embrace.
BIMcert aims to develop a series of training interventions using digital technology and improved blended techniques to support, enhance and maximise the impact of energy efficient skills at all operational levels within the construction industry. Central to this is the creation of an accredited curriculum and framework of qualifications developed through the work and output from each work package, within the context of a National and European wide framework.
A series of webinars led by Future Analytics, Dublin will be on October 22 (For Trainers) and November 5 (For Trainees) will launch the platform and a number of workshops will help review the materials available.
The e-learning platform will include BIMcert’s ‘bite-sized’ learning modules. Modules including ‘BIM ready’ can lead the worker to the Digital Construction with Building Information Modelling award via the platform. The modules will include digital skills, BIM for contractors, advanced BIM and energy efficiency and BIM facilities management.
Click here, Log on to the BIMcert website and you can navigate your BIM journey.
The BIMcert platform was designed based on the feedback from the industry. It will encourage participants in more self guided learning and the platform includes gamification features to engage trainees and provide autonomy.
With enhanced sustainable construction and energy efficiency skills the worker can engage in collaborative working routines through the entire construction chain.
Belfast Met Lecturer in Architectural Technology and Construction , Andrew Hamilton said: “The new platform is strategic for the future of construction. BIMcert proceeded with the creation of a UK (RQF) level 3 qualification, (European Qualification level 4) and now BIMcert has developed a range of Digital Construction with Building Information Modelling qualifications.”
BIM is a modern digital technology supporting the sustainability targets of the construction sector and it has become a key requirement in building, where the information is managed through the lifecycle of a construction project.
The learner gets an understanding in the practice of 3D modelling for building information modelling. This includes architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical work. BIM software enables energy calculations by simulation techniques and you can translate BIM output data into decision making.
The BIM platform can stimulate demand for sustainable construction and an energy skilled workforce.
Belfast Met in partnership with six other European partners have now developed a platform that can empower the construction industry to achieve a greener built environment.