Proposed Development of Primary Care Centre for the Northside of Cork welcomed


Minister of State at the Department of Health, Kathleen Lynch has welcomed the proposed development of a new Primary Care Centre for North West of Cork City at St Mary’s Health Campus, Gurranbraher.

The development of this new infrastructure will allow for the transfer of HSE services and staff to work together with GPs in one setting and will provide increased access to an integrated service to those in the community.

[rev_slider Surety] In welcoming the proposal, Minister Lynch stated “this new Primary Care Centre will complement the overall development of the St Mary’s Health Campus site and will enhance the Regeneration Plan of Cork City Council.  I have no doubt that this development will be of enormous benefit to the community here in the Northside of the City, and will meet local needs in an effective and practical way”.

As well as GP services, the HSE services at the new Primary Care Centre will include Public Health and Community Nursing, Home Support, Physiotherapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietician, Podiatry, Eye Clinic, Immunisation, Mental Health Teams, Community Workers and screening services such as Warfarin Screening, Diabetic Retinopathy Screening, etc.

Work has commenced on the design of the new state-of-the-art Primary Care Centre, which will provide primary care and community services to meet the needs of up to 40,000 people locally.

The Primary Care Centre will also provide accommodation for University College Cork, including a Dental School service, the faculty of General Practice, as well as a Centre for Urban Health Studies and Health & Wellbeing Centre.  This will provide potential for undergraduate and post-graduate education and training programmes, including an innovative multi-disciplinary Masters in Urban Health & Wellbeing.

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