The Around the World BIM Series begins in Irish building magazine’s next Issue, with an interview with the Chilean Government’s Carolina Soto about the Chilean BIM Plan.
Irish building magazine recently spoke to Carolina Soto, Executive Director of the Chilean BIM Plan. Carolina has an MSc degree in Architecture Studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and has worked as a designer, professor, and BIM consultant.
The Plan is being coordinated by the National Economic Development Agency (Corfo). According to Carolina, ‘The BIM Plan is a 10-year plan that seeks to achieve the requirement of BIM for public projects by 2020, and tentatively the requirement of BIM for private projects by 2025. The main goals of the Plan are a 20% reduction of project costs and a 20% reduction of projects’ design and construction time.’
Carolina said, ‘In January of 2016 the Ministries of Finance, Economy, Public Works and Housing and Urban Development, along with Corfo, the Chilean Chamber of Construction and Construction Institute signed an agreement to support the BIM Plan pledging to support the necessary actions for the implementation of BIM in Chile and its demand on public projects to 2020.’
Other countries in South America are currently working on the development of BIM Plans. From the 2015 CitA BIM Gathering and the CitA Smarter Cooperative Building Series breakfast meetings it is obvious that BIM is an international market. We will be exploring BIM adoption in countries around the world in future issues of Irish building magazine and on the website. will keep you updated on BIM news. Follow on Twitter: @BIMIreland