Ten-point programme for climate protection in the building sector


Darmstadt, Germany. Climate protection starts at the local level – and energy efficiency in buildings is one of the more important tasks in this respect.

To assist municipalities, the Passive House Institute has published a position paper <http://www.passivehouse-international.org/download.php?cms=1&file=Municipal_Climate_Protection_Position_Paper_PHI.pdf>  on the topic.

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The paper sets out a ten-point programme with specific recommendations detailing how cities and communities can take their commitment forward in an effective way. One of the focal points is the Passive House Standard, which enables energy savings of up to 90%.

In developed countries, over a third of the total energy consumption is used in the building sector. In recent years, many communities all over Europe have taken initiative, promoting the use of highly efficient Passive House technology. This successful approach has been supported by many, including by the EU through the PassREg <http://www.passreg.eu/>  project, coordinated by the Passive House Institute.

Experiences gained by the various municipal partners during the project, whether in Brussels, Hanover, or Tyrol, formed the basis for the guidelines found in the paper. “With the measures we have suggested, it will not only be possible to reduce energy consumption and thus the scale of greenhouse gas emissions, but municipalities will also be able to achieve considerable financial savings,” explains Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute. 

Central to the position paper is the call for cities and municipalities to commit themselves to the Passive House Standard, in particular for all municipal new builds and retrofits. The use of renewable energies is additionally recommended. The ten points also include suggestions for financial incentive programmes, quality assurance, training, and information campaigns. The full text of the position paper for climate protection in the building sector at the municipal level is available online at: www.passivehouse.com <http://www.passivehouse.com/

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