Gilmore – 12,000 jobs in the construction sector over the next three years


The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, has said the Government is targeting an additional 12,000 jobs in the construction sector over the next three years.

Speaking ahead of an address to the IBEC National Council, the Tánaiste said the economy is making important progress in creating jobs, particularly by indigenous Irish exporters and in the Foreign Direct Investment sector.


However, the Tánaiste said more must be done to boost the domestic economy, putting particular emphasis on the construction industry, to get people back to work.

The Tánaiste said: “House building is currently at a level that is well below the long-term demand. We are now building about one third of the number of houses required to meet our needs.

Getting residential construction up to what is the normal level of demand could create an extra 12,000 jobs, and Government is now making residential construction a top priority.”

The Tánaiste will also tell the employers’ group that those who suffered most during the crisis must not be left behind as the recovery takes hold:

“We need to continue to provide more opportunities for those who have no jobs to ensure that they share in the uplift in the economy.

We also have to do more to assist those who have been under intense pressure during the period of the crisis. There are still many families dealing with the consequences of having lower incomes, or having lost a job, and who continue to struggle under the intense pressure of just managing day-to-day.

We must drive ahead with our reforms, continue to tackle the legacy issues of mortgage arrears and bank debt, and focus on creating more employment.”

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