Businesses seize opportunity for energy investment in public and commercial facilities


The Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D. haspublished Ireland’s National Energy Services Framework (NESF), which will support the rollout of energy performance contracting (EPC) to public and commercial facilities across the country.

The key aim of the Framework is to develop robust projects that are investment-ready, stimulating the development of a market for Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and supporting sustainable employment in construction and professional services.

The Minister paid tribute to the Exemplar Projects from the public and private sectors that are road-testing the Framework, a number of which are expected to go out to tender early this year. “Today there are over 20 organisations who have risen to the challenge we laid out earlier this year to be the pioneers for this new and innovative approach to energy service contracting. I am confident that as we bring more projects through the pipeline, we will lower transaction costs and build capacity through shared experience, which will deliver the energy savings where they are needed”.

The Framework delivers standard reference material including technical evaluation, procurement advice and model contracts to bring energy suppliers, Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and clients together. The Framework also aims to provide best-practice guidance to public and private sector client organisations when procuring energy services and engaging ESCOs.

Dr. Brian Motherway, Chief Executive SEAI, said: “There has been very keen interest in the development of the Framework, reflecting the growing awareness of energy efficiency as a business opportunity where there are economic and job gains there for the taking. Delivery of the exemplar projects will create jobs and reduce energy bills, and when others see what is possible I am confident they too will act.”

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