Youghal Main Drainage Scheme, Drainage Network Contract signed


Cork County Council has signed a contract with Wills Bros. Ltd of Foxford, Co. Mayo to complete the Youghal Main Drainage Scheme, Drainage Network Contract. The project is an upgrade of the existing drainage network in Youghal and will be delivered through a traditional employer-designed contract.

Atkins is responsible for the preliminary design, planning, environmental impact assessment, detailed design, procurement, contract administration and site supervision. Atkins has been involved in the project since 2000 when they were appointed to prepare a preliminary report, which was completed in 2005. Atkins was appointed for detailed design and procurement in 2008.


Pictured, (back row left to right) Michael Carroll (Wills Bros) Tom O’Malley (Atkins-Managing Director) Aidan Fahy (Atkins – Project Engineer) Cllr Barbara Murray, Mayor of County Cork Cllr Noel O’Connor, Shane Kennedy (CCC – Project Engineer), Cllr Aaron O’Sullivan, Dave Keane (CCC – County Engineer), Fidelma Lucey (Atkins – Marketing Communications Manager), Kevin Costello (CCC- Senior Engineer), (front seated left to right) Martin Riordan (Cork County Manager) Charles Wills (Wills Bros – MD).

A new, 16,000 PE wastewater treatment plant including a new sea outfall will be delivered under a separate, concurrent Design Build Operate Maintain (DBOM) Contract. This contract, for which Atkins are the Employer’s Representative, is due to be signed in the near future.

Youghal is situated on the Blackwater Estuary which is environmentally sensitive and an area of significant recreational activity. The completion of the Youghal Main Drainage Scheme will improve the water quality of the Estuary.

As part of the Preliminary Report, Atkins prepared a design for an upgrade to the existing drainage network and a new wastewater treatment plant.  Atkins was also responsible for the preparation of an EIS for the scheme which was approved by An Bord Pleanala in 2002.

Following completion of the Preliminary Report, Atkins was appointed by Cork County Council for the preparation of all advance works documentation and procurement, and all other engineering consultancy services for the delivery of this scheme.  The scheme was divided into two separate contracts, namely the Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated marine outfall for procurement as a Design Build Operate Maintain Contract (DBOM) and the Drainage Network Contract (9km of new pipework and network upgrades including existing combined foul and storm network separation as well as 4 no. pumping station upgrades).  Atkins appointment includes fulfilling the role of Employer’s Representative for the Wastewater Treatment Plant element of the scheme and Consulting Engineer for the Drainage Network including contract administration and site supervision for both contracts.

The €4.4M Drainage Network Contract includes upgrading the existing sewer network, upgrading and extending existing pumping stations and separation of foul and storm flows. The 9km of new and upgraded sewers, rising mains and associated pumping stations will allow collection and transfer of untreated flows to a new treatment plant which will be constructed to the north of Youghal under the separate, DBOM contract. The Drainage Network Contract will commence in early 2014 and is due for completion in approximately 18 months time.

Aidan Fahy, Atkins’ project engineer said: “This project will improve the quality of wastewater discharges which will greatly benefit water quality in Youghal Harbour.’

Justin Norman, Atkins’ director said: “This project is vitally important infrastructure for Cork County Council and the people of Youghal.  Atkins are very proud to be a part of it. The project will improve water quality in the Blackwater Estuary and surrounding environs and will aid the town in regaining Blue Flag status for its beaches. The tourism industry is very important to Youghal and this development will have a positive impact in this regard.”

Tom O’Malley, Atkins’ managing director commented: “This is an exciting project for Atkins to be involved in. Atkins is well-placed to deliver this project, not just because of our technical excellence and expertise in the area of water and waste water engineering, but also due to our local presence in Cork. We look forward to delivering this project successfully over the next 18 months.”

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