€80 million to be spent on new RCSI medical education facility


The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is to invest €80 million in the development of a new medical education facility in Dublin. The development, which is in the planning process, will create 200 jobs during the construction phase, according to RCSI chief executive Cathal Kelly.

The proposed facility will contain a two-storey underground gym, a 600-seat lecture theatre, two surgical simulations centres and a learning centre which will span three floors.

The medical education facility will be built on York Street, adjacent to the college’s campus on St Stephen’s Green.

“Subject to planning permission we hope to start construction this year, and have it completed by 2016,” Mr Kelly said.

He said the post-grad surgical simulation centre would be one of the largest simulation centres in Britain or Ireland. It would have a mock operating theatre to allow students to train in a team environment.

The college will fund the development through savings accrued from student fees and rental income from a number of properties it owns in Dublin city centre and a loan.

Meanwhile, the college is hosting more than 400 alumni from 21 countries for a Gathering event which begins in Dublin today.

Mr Kelly said: “We have an alumni event every September and thought it would be good to tie in with the Gathering this year as there is a very strong medical diaspora.”

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn will open the RCSI International Higher Education Forum, which forms part of the college’s Gathering celebrations, tomorrow. Higher Education Authority chief executive Tom Boland and DCU president Prof Brian MacCraith are among the speakers. Source: The Irish Times

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