Fine Gael TD for Meath West, Ray Butler, has welcomed the announcement by the HSE that a new adult mental health Acute Admissions Unit for Louth and Meath will be developed on a site located at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Healthcare Campus in Drogheda.
The purpose built unit will have a bed capacity of 45.
Mr Butler said: “I am delighted that this mental health unit is being built at Our Lady’s Hospital. This will transform the treatment of adults with mental health issues in our region and help alleviate the pressure on their families. The development of this unit is in line with A Vision for Change which is the HSE’s guiding policy on mental health issues.
“The HSE has confirmed that the first planning permission determination for the new unit has been received by the design and build contractor and, provided there are no appeals, the final determination is expected to issue in the second week of September. A final construction programme will be agreed when the final determination is received and all other related issues are finalised. Subject to the final planning permission determination, the contractor should commence construction in early November with a construction period of approximately 60 weeks.”