Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, TD, today published a review of the social and affordable housing aspects of Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000. The review follows on from a commitment in the Government’s 2011 Housing Policy Statement to review the operation of the scheme.
The Minister is seeking views on the review by 27th September next. The review was carried out by DKM Economic Consultants, with Brady Shipman Martin, for the Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency.
“This review of the social and affordable elements of Part V is comprehensive and clearly sets out the options for the future. This element of Part V was a positive initiative in terms of delivering affordable housing, but not without flaws. It delivered just over 15,000 units from 2002-2011 representing 4% of all dwellings constructed during the period. The mechanism played an important role in capturing planning gain; however it didn’t deliver on its full potential regarding mixed tenure and social integration goals.
“In 2009 an 80% Land Rezoning Tax was introduced and any decision regarding the future of Part V has to be cognisant of this new policy instrument. In deciding on the future of Part V I want to ensure that the objective of delivering mixed tenure and social integration is maintained in a way that delivers for the community.”
“The review sets out six options for the future – ranging from abolition or suspension to a new inclusionary zoning model. I am seeking people’s views on these options by 27 September before finalising a decision on the future of the social and affordable aspects of Part V.”