Irish Water programme a strong boost to construction industry – CIF


The rollout of the water meter programme by Irish Water will provide a strong boost to the construction sector providing employment opportunities for construction workers around the country, according to the CIF.  Irish Water have announced the installation of over one million water meters around the country is due to begin shortly, creating 1,600 construction jobs.  

“This is a tremendous boost to the construction sector and it provides a strong flow of work at a time when opportunities for construction workers and construction companies are thin on the ground,” said CIF Director General Tom Parlon. “This is exactly the type of initiative that the construction sector needs at this difficult time.  It creates activity which will help the various construction companies involved, the sub contractors who will work with them on this project and the workers who will be tasked with carrying out the installations. 

“Providing 1,600 jobs during the installation phase will make a major difference to the employment situation in the construction industry.  It’s well known that one in four people on the Live Register are former construction workers.  Any initiative that will help reduce should be actively encouraged and the CIF warmly welcomes this announcement by Irish Water.  

“What is particularly positive about the Irish Water plan is that this will create construction jobs all around the country.  Most large scale initiatives tend to be focused on particular geographical areas, so the benefits are only felt in the surrounding areas.  The Irish Water plan will see work taking place on a widespread regional basis, meaning the impact will be felt in every part of the country.

“The plan is due to conclude by the end of 2016, so this will be an ongoing source of activity for the construction sector for several years.  We look forward to the ongoing rollout of this programme and in the near future seeing Irish construction companies and construction workers feel the benefits of this massive investment,” Mr. Parlon concluded.  

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