Pat the Cope Gallagher has confirmed that Donegal County Council has applied to the Department of Environment for funding to allow both schemes to commence now that the consultants have recommended a contractor.
The total cost of both schemes is expected of the order of €7 million. These schemes will provide new wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and sewers in Dungloe and Glenties to replace the present overloaded and obsolete infrastructure. The new works will facilitate existing and future residential and commercial development in the Dungloe and Glenties areas. In addition, the state of the art wastewater treatment plant, which will treat the wastewater in each location to the highest standards, will ensure that the local environment is enhanced and the good quality of the Dungloe and Owenea rivers is protected and improved.
Pat the Cope if confident that funding will be provided and that both schemes will commence within a matter of months.