The Carbery/Muskerry Waste Water Treatment Plants DBO (design, build and operate) and O&M (operate and maintain) Contract for €6million is primarily a contract to carry out upgrade works to the existing wastewater treatment plant in Clonakilty, providing a treatment capacity of 20,500PE (population equivalent).
Ballincollig WWTP Contract, Front row (l to r): Cllr. Noel Collins Chairman Southern Divison, Jim Palmer, EPS, Olaf Sorensen, Sorensen Civil Engineering, Katherine Walshe, Director of Service, CCC. Back row (l to r): Mr Barry O’Toole, EPS, John Lynch, EPS, Damien Smyth, Jacobs Engineering, Moira Murrell,
It also includes the construction of a storm water retention tank and upgrade works to the existing Pumping Station at Long Quay.
Site works are due to commence in June with a construction period of 18 months.
Cork County Council has appointed Electrical & Pump Services Ltd. as the civil contractors and the council’s representative on the project is Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers of Sherwood House, Sherwood Avenue, Taylor’s Hill, Galway.
EPS will then operate and maintain Clonakilty WWTP for 20 years. In addition, EPS will take over, operate and maintain 13 smaller wastewater treatment plants across the County of Cork for a period of 20 years in contracts valued at €8 million.
Cork County Council has appointed EPS/Sorensen Civil Engineering JV for the Design and Build Contract to upgrade Ballincollig Wastewater Treatment Plant at a at a cost of €3.23million. This expansion will bring the capacity of the plant up to a population equivalent of 40,000 and will ensure compliance with the wastewater discharge licence issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The council’s representative on this project is Malachy Walsh & Partners Consulting Engineers in association with Jacobs Engineering.
Site works are due to commence in June 2013 with a construction period of 12 months.