Fine Gael TD for Wexford, Minister Paul Kehoe, has said the release of €90 million in LEADER funding by the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan TD, will now provide the financial impetus for many important community projects in County Wexford.
“As we know, there were many important rural projects in the pipeline for funding for some time while readjustments were being made to the LEADER programme because of changes at EU level. I am now delighted that the release of this funding will mean many of them will now get the green light.
“This is great news for Wexford Local Development which allocate the funding. I am delighted that the release of this funding will now activate important community projects and ventures which will undoubtedly improve the quality of life in rural areas.
“As Minister Hogan has noted, this funding has the capacity, not only to facilitate access to sustainable employment opportunities in rural areas but also to help support sustainable communities and enhance rural economies for business creation and development into the future.
“Minister Hogan’s Department is now authorising the issuing of contracts for €42 million worth of projects nationally which have all the necessary approvals in place. I hope that County Wexford will be significant beneficiary.
“Once this stage is complete, the Department will then be in a position to establish the remaining balance of funding in the LEADER programme and will notify each Local Development Company of their allocation to the end of the programme.”