An Taisce launches report highlighting the public costs of poor planning


An Taisce’s report, published today, highlights the true cost of bad planning, showing that Dublin City Council has wasted €40 million of taxpayers’ money by ignoring its own development plan on highly significant proposals over the last 15 years.  This cost is spread as follows:

  • €30m wasted regarding the Mater proposal
  • €10m frittered away on 25 other applications

“In supporting a National Children’s Hospital in the wrong location – and in clear contravention of the height guidelines of its own Development Plan – Dublin City Council wasted €30m of taxpayers’ money in design fees, as well as delaying the provision of a National Children’s Hospital”, said Ian Lumley, An Taisce’s Heritage and Built Environment Officer.

“In the case of the Mater site the consequences are clear: a cost to taxpayers of approx €30m.  Where the developer is not the State, there still remains a very significant cost to taxpayers, even if it is less obvious. City Council officials, members of An Bord Pleanála as well as other officials that review planning applications are all publicly-paid employees.  The oral hearing into the Jury’s / Berkeley Court application alone ran for three weeks – with all the attendant cost that this involves.  It would be a very conservative estimate to say that the matters outlined in this document have cost taxpayers tens of millions”, noted An Taisce’s Director, James Nix.  (Links to the full report below).

In compiling its report, An Taisce reviewed transcripts of oral hearings, minutes of planning meetings taken (or not taken) during the bubble period and spoke with developers misled by ill-informed advice.

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