Permission to dump spoil in Dublin Bay should be refused – Kenny


Dublin Bay North Labour T.D., Seán Kenny, today called on the Environmental Protection Agency to refuse a pre-Christmas permit application by Dublin City Council for the dumping of 824,000 tonnes of spoil in Dublin Bay, approximately 3km from the Baily at Howth, under the Dumping at Sea Acts 1996 to 2010.

“This massive amount of spoil will emanate from the tunnelling at the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment works extension due to commence in 2014.

“Dublin City Council need to consider alternatives to dumping the material on the Dublin Bay seabed as the cloud, plume and dirt from the proposed dumping would be swept back into the bay on the tide.

“Sub Aqua Clubs who use the amenity of Dublin Bay have also raised the safety concerns of sportspeople, saying it would detrimentally affect the visibility and clarity of the water.”

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